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PharmD Live's Patient First Approach Along With The Use Of Instant Data From Smart Meter's Devices Leads To Life-Saving Clinical Interventions

PharmD Live is a pharmacist-led chronic care management (CCM) and medication management program that utilizes remote patient monitoring (RPM) to help improve clinical outcomes and reduce adverse effects due to drug interactions.

PharmD Live was founded by Dr. Cynthia C. Nwaubani in 2019 after a tragic incident where a patient passed away due to an unintentional blood thinner overdose. Cynthia realized that there was a profound need for pharmacists to take on a more active role in direct patient care, and to leverage their expertise and education to help avoid tragedies like this from happening. Working alongside Dr. Nwaubani is PharmD Lyndsay Carlson, the Clinical Pharmacy Quality Manager. Together, these two women, along with their team of clinical pharmacists, have set out to transform what patient care means with new, technology-enabled care delivery models.

While PharmD Live has a robust medication management program that is overseen by clinical pharmacists, it has grown to offer so much more than that. The team works across multiple disease states and chronic conditions, with a wide range of patient populations, especially geriatric patients, and patients on Medicare and Medicaid. They take a hands-on approach to patient care, and work to not only improve health outcomes but to educate and inspire patients to take on a more empowered role in their health and wellbeing.

This patient-first approach to care and clinical oversight resulted in 455 pharmacist interventions between July 1, 2022 and January 31, 2023. These are interventions that likely would not have occurred in a traditional care delivery model, or without the expertise of a pharmacist reviewing patient health data.

“Providers are over-burdened, patients are becoming sicker and sicker, and the cost of healthcare is rising” said Dr. Nwaubani, “by leveraging pharmacists, we can decrease the burden on physicians, improve the health and quality of life of patients, reduce the cost of care, and keep people out of the ED.”

With 86% of patients metabolically unhealthy, and over 95% of patients who qualify for CCM and RPM dependent on at least one medication, PharmD Live has set out to fill in the care gaps.

“When you compare a patient seeing their PCP for 15 minutes every six months to spending an hour with a clinical pharmacist every month, you can start to see what a significant impact that plays on their health outcomes”, said Dr. Nwaubani. “We work very closely with their physicians so that there is continuity of care, and they [physicians] have all of the data they need to be able to make informed care decisions and interventions.”

It was this commitment to streamlining the care process, and using data to arm physicians with the clinical intelligence they need to better manage their patients’ chronic diseases that led the team at PharmD Live to Smart Meter cellular-enabled devices.

By offering easy-to-use, one-step medical devices where patient-generated health data is transmitted securely, reliably, and in real-time, they are able to offer their patients an effortless way to adhere to their care plans. That, coupled with Smart Meter’s device and logistics management tools and programs, allows PharmD Live to spend more time with their patients and growing their business.

With her background in ambulatory care and clinical pharmacy, Lyndsay was excited to make the switch to remote patient monitoring and chronic care management, improving the accessibility to these critical medical devices for a wider range of patients.

“Once patients get the Smart Meter devices in their hands, nine times out of 10 it changes the trajectory of their chronic disease state tremendously”, said Carlson. “It improves accountability and access to care that is truly life changing.”

The feedback Lyndsay receives from patients echoes her sentiments, with patient testimonials like, "I am really pleased with this machine, and I love talking to you each month about how I can improve my health." This statement is from a patient who decreased her average blood pressure reading from 135/90 to 128/79 from April to May using a Smart Meter iBloodPressure® monitor.

Another patient testimonial that Lyndsay is particularly proud of comes from another woman using the iBloodPressure device, and when asked how she liked it, she responded with, "This is just so cool, I can't believe I check my blood pressure and you instantly get the results. I am excited to start getting my readings under control with your help."

Cynthia and Lyndsay both share a passion for what they are doing that is palpable when talk to them about it. They are both laser-focused on developing personal relationships with each individual patient, providing exceptional care, and improving patient adherence and health outcomes. Looking to the future, the PharmD team is working on expanding their reach so they can bring their innovative care model to as many patients as possible, and they are well on their way with their recent expansion to seven new physician practices!

Carium Realizes Immediate Benefits Of Cellular-Connected Devices After Partnering With Smart Meter

Carium’s virtual care management platform bolsters a more empowered experience for patients to manage their well-being and improve their health outcomes. "[Carium] is a great aid in trying to improve health and wellness. It collects all of my health information in one place and provides direct communications with my health coach. I am getting healthier with the help of both," said a patient in a recent GooglePlay store review.

It’s also the reason co-founder and Chief Governance Officer Rick Johnston co-created Carium – to improve the patient experience, help patients living with chronic illness live healthier lives, and to streamline the patient provider workflow.

Prior to founding Carium in 2018, Rick and his fellow Co-Founders saw an opportunity to bring their successful engineering background from within the telecom space to healthcare technology. They were convinced that a well-designed platform would help alleviate pain points for both patients and their healthcare providers alike. They knew that by eliminating tedious, redundant tasks, and helping patients connect with their providers more easily and frequently, Carium could have a significant impact on patient care and physician satisfaction.

Today, Carium works with some of the country’s largest, most respected healthcare systems. They continue to evolve and transform healthcare, making it a more accessible and personalized experience for patients that leads to improved outcomes, while automating 80% of complex workflows and driving down the cost of care. Carium’s virtual care management platform offers a robust offering of tools that enable rich engagement, increasing touchpoints between in-office visits, and enabling patients and providers to make data-backed, informed, actionable care decisions.

While Carium has grown in size and scope since 2018, one thing has not changed: the patient remains at the center of everything they do, which is one of the reasons that led them to Smart Meter cellular-connected devices.

While their platform is agnostic to medical devices, Carium found that traditional Bluetooth® devices often resulted in customer service issues, with patients struggling to connect their devices, which in turn negatively affected device utilization and adherence rates.

With the patient experience being the bedrock of everything they do, they quickly realized that they could alleviate many of these customer service issues by offering Smart Meter’s suite of cellular devices, circumventing the need for patients to download additional apps, or pair and sync their devices. The ease of use that comes with offering cellular devices, combined with the data security of Smart Meter’s private data network, and real-time, reliable data integration has been another point of innovation for Carium as a result of their partnership with Smart Meter.

When asked about the future landscape of healthcare in the United States, and Carium’s technology roadmap, Rick said, “When we founded the company, our vision was to create technology that supports the unique attributes, habits, and goals of each person within their own patient journey, and that hasn’t changed. We are laser-focused on advancing patient-centric care technology; unburdening and improving the care team experience through workflow automations; and driving meaningful ROI for healthcare organizations.”

VeeOne's Congestive Heart Failure Patients' Testing Adherence Soars To 95% After Switching To Smart Meter Devices

VeeOne Health is a comprehensive virtual care system, providing both specific clinical resources and technology to our healthcare delivery partners, ensuring their patients get quality, cost-effective care.

VeeOne Health forged a strategic partnership with Smart Meter, driven by its commitment to delivering unparalleled value to its clients and patients. VeeOne sought to revamp its remote patient monitoring (RPM) offering, specifically emphasizing the advantages of utilizing cellular devices instead of traditional Bluetooth® devices, citing cost-effectiveness and ease of use for patients and scalable deployment as key factors.

After partnering with Smart Meter, VeeOne has seen tremendous success with its congestive heart failure (CHF) patient population, with patients averaging an impressive 95% adherence. The program is going so well that VeeOne is looking to introduce additional clinical programs utilizing Smart Meter devices such as Maternal Care and Type 2 diabetes, in the next few months.

"The seamless integration of our end-to-end enterprise virtual care platform with Smart Meter's innovative cellular devices has proven to be an extraordinary match, delivering immense value to our clients and patients," said Savan Patel, Vice President of Customer Operations at VeeOne. "Smart Meter has emerged as a highly responsive and engaged partner, consistently collaborating with us to tackle unique use cases and seize market opportunities."

One of those market opportunities that VeeOne is working on is a series of three pilots across the Middle East. While each project has a different patient care approach and use case, they all are served by VeeOne’s robust single platform; one platform to meet all their clients’ needs.

Within the United States, VeeOne has grown from its California roots to cover healthcare needs in all fifty states. VeeOne has rapidly become the de facto standard in virtual patient care, providing solutions, physicians, and technology, for every point in the continuum of care. Rooted in critical care, VeeOne addresses every aspect of virtual patient care, from the ambulance, ER, ICU, step-down, H@H, and Post-acute care. Each patient condition (ICD-10) has its own workflows, specialists, and monitoring, regardless of whether they are at home or in the hospital, assisting health care delivery systems with whatever patient care needs they have.

Founded by Critical Care physicians, VeeOne’s leadership had tremendous foresight into the future of healthcare and how RPM and virtual care plays a role in that. This has positioned them well for the post-COVID-19 era, where virtual care is rapidly becoming an integral part of patient care.

When asked about the future prospects for VeeOne and the industry as a whole, Ed Leer, VeeOne's Senior Vice President of Business Development, expressed his vision with the following statement: "The evolution of RPM extends far beyond mere data collection and dashboard display. It now encompasses comprehensive patient management, education, and support, revolutionizing the way we approach healthcare."

VeeOne is focused on continuing to improve access to care for critically ill patients and has found a partner in Smart Meter who is able to support its mission by providing accurate, reliable, and patient-friendly solutions.

SynerGrx Partners With Smart Meter To Help People With Chronic Conditions Manage And Improve Outcomes

SynerGrx is a pharmacist-led Chronic Care Management and Remote Patient Monitoring company that was co-founded in 2018 by Dr. Naveed Tharwani, Dr. Kandon Render, and Dr. Jessica Gustin, who serves are the company’s chief operating officer.

Since founding SynerGrx, Jessica and the team have been able to transcend the typical role of a community pharmacist and provide hands-on, proactive clinical oversight to patients living with chronic illness, partnering with their primary care physicians and other healthcare providers to improve their health outcomes.

And they have seen tremendous results. In one pilot program. SynerGrx set out to help improve blood pressure control in hypertensive patients. Using Remote Patient Monitoring as the healthcare delivery model, they saw significant reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure from baseline to month 12 of the study, reinforcing what the team already knew; pharmacists are an under-utilized facet of the healthcare system, whose extensive knowledge and commitment to evidence-based practices can have a significant impact on improving the health and well-being of the patients they serve.

The team at SynerGrx is also committed to innovation and leveraging technology to improve access to quality healthcare. They have even built a proprietary technology platform, Apothedoc, designed to enable pharmacists to complete chronic care management and other clinical services with guided evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. It is this commitment to innovation, technology, and health equity that also led them to Smart Meter’s cellular-connected medical devices.

They first partnered with Smart Meter to provide the iGlucose® to their patients with Diabetes, which Jessica discovered saved patients money. It also made the dispensing of diabetic supplies much easier and more streamlined, as Smart Meter provides direct-to-patient shipping options and an automatic refill program for test strips and lancets. Ensuring patients never run out of their necessary testing supplies helps them better adhere to their testing care plan, which has a direct impact on their health outcomes.

"Getting the live data from the iGlucose and other Smart Meter devices has made all the difference," said Jessica. "It has allowed us to provide real-time, data-backed recommendations back to the patients' PCP or healthcare providers."

In addition to SynerGrx’s iGlucose program, they have also seen tremendous success with the iScale® in treating patients with CHF. In fact, Jessica shared that they have seen a significant drop in hospital readmissions due to their RPM program and utilizing Smart meter devices. One patient, in particular, was being treated for congestive heart failure (CHF) and was admitted to the hospital six times in a matter of two months. After switching him to the iScale, they were able to keep him out of the hospital for an entire year. They did this by monitoring his weight for fluctuations in fluid and adjusting his medication as necessary.

While SynerGrx’s model is unique and unlike traditional RPM and CCM programs, it is one that Jessica and the team hope more community pharmacists will adopt, so they can fulfill their mission of enabling pharmacists to provide quality care at scale. It is also one that has seen impressive success and made a marked difference in the lives of the patients in their care. SynerGrx is looking to grow and scale their program, and expand outside of Georgia, and has chosen Smart Meter as a preferred vendor to help them achieve their mission.

Welby Health Improves Patient Adherence By Using Smart Meter's Cellular-Enabled Devices

Welby Health is a comprehensive virtual care platform that provides high-touch clinical support, and cutting-edge technology to healthcare providers and their patients.

Co-founded in 2022 by CEO Seth Merrit, Welby Health was born from years of experience working on the payor side of healthcare where Seth noticed a need for physicians to have access to better tools and data to improve patient care and enable providers to take a more preventive approach, while still being financially sound with a path to reimbursement.

When they first launched, Welby Health utilized wearable and Bluetooth® medical devices; however, they found that these devices offered little clinical data and came with an onslaught of customer services issues. They found patients were having a challenging time connecting, pairing, and syncing their devices, negatively impacting device utilization, adherence rates, and ultimately health outcomes. They also noticed an issue with data reliability, often receiving patient vitals readings that were egregiously inaccurate, causing them to spend time and resources researching the patient data.

This prompted Welby Health to seek out a different solution for their patients, which ultimately led them to Smart Meter’s suite of cellular-connected devices. After partnering with Smart Meter, they noticed an immediate and marked improvement in the ease-of-use of the Smart Meter devices over the traditional Bluetooth devices. They also saw significant improvement in data reliability and accuracy, saving them time on investigating inaccurate readings, and allowing them to focus on patient care and growing their business.

Today, Welby Health boasts some impressive statistics around patient care and outcomes, far exceeding industry benchmarks. Stats like 90% of patients enrolled in their WelbyCare program meet reimbursement requirements, or that their clinical teams spend an average of 42 minutes a month engaging with every patient, or how only 1% of clinical alerts require the intervention of their client clinicians. While all those stats are noteworthy, if you ask Seth what he is most proud of, he will tell you that it is their 4.95-star rating from patient surveys and the sheer number of patients who respond to those surveys.

“We have been really happy with our partnership with Smart Meter,” says Seth. “As a result, we have been able to facilitate a number of services that we were not able to do on our own, which has helped us expand what we are able to do clinically. Much of that is thanks to reliable devices and the ease of working with Smart Meter as a vendor.”
In looking to the future, Welby is committed to continuing to offer their clients industry-leading, comprehensive patient care, engagement, technology, and alleviating the burden on healthcare providers.

 CCN Health Alleviates Customer Service Issues, Improves Access To Care After Switching To Cellular-Enabled Devices

Alex Wheeler and Cosmo Cochrane founded CCN Health in 2019 with the mission to take a technology-first approach to improving patient care. Each with extensive backgrounds in software engineering and development, the team put their expertise and skills to use to build out an RPM platform with a laser focus on providing their clients with scalable and 100% customizable solutions to fit their unique needs and goals.

Today, CCN has a national footprint and supports clients ranging in size and complexity from individual physician practices, to some of the country’s largest, most complex and prestigious healthcare systems.

One thing that they attribute to their rapid success is their ability to understand where the market is and look ahead to where it is going. When CCN Health first launched, like many other RPM technology companies at the time, they relied on Bluetooth® devices for their providers and downstream patients. As a result, they were quickly faced with an onslaught of customer service issues. Because Bluetooth devices require a connection with another hub or portal, often a mobile app, Alex and Cosmo were faced with two issues.

 First, the elderly population of patients they primarily worked to help support found the devices difficult to setup and pair, significantly and negatively affecting adherence rates. The second issue they encountered was how Bluetooth devices limited access to care, and often meant that the patients who most needed care and easy access to their healthcare providers were the ones being left behind, in large part due to the fact that they did not have smart phones. The CEO and COO quickly realized the impact the Bluetooth devices were having on their business, and the contradiction they posed to their mission of providing a platform that enabled better care with less stress.

The co-founders quickly made the decision to partner with Smart Meter and began offering cellular-connected devices. They saw an immediate and marked decrease in the number of customer service issues, allowing them to focus on growing their business and reaching more healthcare providers and their patients. “Not only did switching to Smart Meter’s suite of cellular-enabled solutions alleviate nearly all of the customer service issues we were facing, we were also able to leverage Smart Meter’s customer service for everything else. This really helped us focus on our own growth,” says Alex Wheeler, CEO of CCN Health.

Since then, CCN Health now offers the full suite of Smart Meter devices, and has seen great success in adherence rates and improved outcomes. In fact, when you ask Cosmo what he’s most proud of building, he will be quick to tell you that it’s getting updates from their partners on how their platform and solutions have had a measurable impact on the health and wellbeing of the patients they serve. A close second being the culture and community they have built with their customers and partners rooted in collaboration, transparency, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

One initiative CCN is running is a 3-year hypertension program with several FQHCs backed by $89.5 million from HRSA. The grant's goal is to use "advanced self-measured blood pressure technology, to increase the number of adult patients with controlled hypertension". The majority of these patients are utilizing Smart Meter’s iBloodPressure® device. While the grant program is still on-going, they have already seen great success in patients lowering their blood pressure.

CCN is continuing to look to the future of healthcare technology and feel that they have found a great partner in Smart Meter to help meet the needs of their clients now, and as the industry continues to evolve with a focus on easy implementation and integration, data interoperability, and patient-friendly solutions.
Alex Wheeler, CCN CEO/Co-Founder
Cosmo Cochrane, CCN COO/Co-Founder

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