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Smart Meter 2018 Survey Results: What Are the Barriers to Effective Patient-Centered Approaches for Diabetes Management?

November 13, 2018

A Survey by Smart Meter from the AADE 2018 Event 

Smart Meter recently surveyed 170 healthcare providers at the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) event in August of 2018 to gain insight in to the barriers clinicians face to implementing effective patient-centered strategies for diabetes management. The survey found that blood glucose results sharing and patient communication between visits are top challenges for diabetes healthcare providers.

Specifically, 93% of all surveyed providers said that patient communication between visits is a challenge, with 31% of providers ranking it as their top pain point. Only 1% of the providers said that patient communication between visits is never challenging. Nearly half (42%) said that not having patient results available at the time of the visit is a key pain point, with 9% saying it always happens and 33% saying it almost always happens.

Click here to read the full survey report.