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Almost 1 In Every 4 Adult Male Deaths in the United States is Caused by Heart Disease

June 10, 2022

African American men account for 100,000 more Cardiovascular Disease Deaths than Caucasian Men

TAMPA, Fla., June 10, 2022 -- Smart Meter, continues to lead the way in the remote patient monitoring (RPM) sector because of its superior cellular-enabled devices and robust data that facilitate better care management. During Men’s Health Month, Smart Meter wants to remind patients and providers that high blood pressure and obesity, which can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD), can be controlled, but must be measured on a regular basis to spot trends and make diet and lifestyle adjustments.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death among American men1. Providing at-risk patients with an easy way to track their blood pressure and weight at home is the key to spotting concerning trends early. Smart Meter can provide the technology needed to help improve outcomes.

According to American Heart Association research2, “real-time monitoring programs can reduce systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) significantly, compared to traditional self-monitoring. This can lower the incidence of hypertension-related acute events, cutting costs of hospital stays and ER visits.”

With Smart Meter’s cellular-enabled iBloodPressure® and iScale®, the measurement is sent immediately to the patient’s provider with no extra steps required by the patient. One barrier to more equitable health care for minorities is the fact that many of today’s at-home medical devices rely on Bluetooth® technology, requiring a smartphone and a wireless internet connection.

Recent research from the PEW Institute3 found minorities are almost 20 percent less likely to have access to broadband internet. The iBloodPressure and iScale from Smart Meter have proprietary cellular technology that utilizes the fast and secure 4/5G AT&T IoT network for reliable transmissions every time.

“The ability to track key factors that can lead to heart disease is now even easier than ever with the iBloodPressure and iScale”, said Casey Pittock, Smart Meter’s CEO. “Our cellular technology means that the patient isn’t required to do anything after they test. We have seen firsthand the positive impact on patient outcomes when our iBloodPressure monitor and iScale is used in a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program.”

About Smart Meter, LLC
Now serving more than 100,000 patients, Smart Meter is the leading supplier of cellular-enabled virtual care technologies that include the iGlucose®, iBloodPressure®, iPulseOx®, iScale®, and SmartRPMTM cloud platform, as well as data, and services. Smart Meter’s remote patient monitoring solutions are recognized as the standard for the RPM industry and are regarded for their high patient retention and satisfaction. The unique combination of reliable health data, patient-friendly devices, and platform integrations enable and enhance RPM, CCM, Employee Wellness, Population Health, and Telehealth programs for more than 300 RPM distribution partners across the United States. For more information, visit

1 Men and Heart Disease |

2remote-patient-monitoring-guidance-2019.pdf (

3Black, Hispanic adults less likely to have broadband or traditional PC than White adults | Pew Research Center